Movies for Juniors is back!
Enjoy all tickets for £2.50 (adults included!) from select family favourites shown every Saturday and Sunday mornings at Cineworld. PLUS EVERY WEEKDAY throughout the school holidays!
Whilst you're there, why not grab a Kids Munchbox for the reduced price of £4 (£4.50 for other movies) which includes, popcorn, drink and a bag of Milky Way Stars, raisins or cheesestring.
Find your latest Movie for Juniors films here.
Be More Childish
Alternatively, adults pay the same as kids when buying a family ticket, starting from just 1 adult with 1 child (aged 14 years and under). Get ready to Be More Childish! If you want to upgrade your experience to our premium formats like IMAX, 4DX, ScreenX, Superscreen , 3D or special seating, you simply pay the uplift on the Family Ticket price. Not available for all films/performances.